Scottish Cali Squad: Edinburgh Meet-up at Inverleith Park Next Week!
Last weekend saw the Scottish Cali Squad enjoy their third meet-up at Airdrie Leisure Centre and what a great day it was again! I didn't manage a full head count, but there were at least 30 people in attendance and at least 10 of those I hadn't seen or met before. Numbers are clearly progressing fast, but not as fast as the skills on show! With coaches Paddy , Pamela and Ali working their way around the bars everyone had a chance to try something new, or land a move for the first time - even at the first time of asking (ahem, 'First Time' Sam!). Everywhere you looked around the bars and surrounding grassy areas there was sub-groups of people catching up, meeting for the first time, having a good laugh and learning new skills and progressions together. Personally I was able to pick up a really cool new headstand pike variation (thank you, Laura), achieve my first consecutive Dragon Flag reps (thanks to advice from Ali about my tucked Front Lever technique) an...