Scottish Cali Squad: Calisthenics Meet-up at Airdrie Leisure Centre

If you were to rewind the clock five years, or read early posts on this site, you would see that I was desperate to find or found a calisthenics community in Scotland. One day after I stuck my head back above water with that intention resurfacing, I found one - or rather, it found me!

After last week's post I got a new Instagram follow on my @JCDCoaching account from @scottish_cali_squad, after they found this site on Google. I was pretty excited to find out who they were and see what they had going on for calisthenics in Scotland. 

This group of talented calisthenics athletes are from a range of places between Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh (sorry guys if that's an incorrect summary) and they've just started meeting up as a formal group. As my luck would have it the meet-ups are being held at Airdrie Leisure Centre, where there is a purpose-built calisthenics facility just six miles from my house!

As far as I am aware, this is the only calisthenics set-up of its kind in Scotland and I can't wait to check it out. The Scottish Cali Squad have been posting awesome promo videos showcasing their strength, skills and advanced movements and I'll definitely be a bit of a rookie in this company but I'm keen to see what I can learn from everyone - I've already ordered my hoodie!

Led by coaches Paddy, Pamela and Alistair, Scottish Cali Squad meet-ups are free to attend and are suitable for calisthenics athletes/participants/enthusiasts of all levels. 

The next meet is this Saturday (July 18th) in the grounds of Airdrie Leisure Centre. I will be there myself and I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone in this community and learning what I can from them to progress me as a participant and as a trainer myself.

You can find more information about this event here and make sure to follow Scottish Cali Squad on Facebook and Instagram for calisthenics training tips, motivation and group updates!


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