Renfrewshire Calisthenics Purpose-Built Facility Proposals

Despite a lack of post's being published on this blog recently, a few things have been developing with regards to the 'project' - a purpose-built bar workout facility in Paisley or Renfrew.

So, if you read earlier post's, you'll remember I have previously spoken to Neil Timm's, owner of Incite Fitness, regarding this project. Neil and I were returning emails and have come up with a few different options, ranging from £1500-£3200.

Option 1 - £1500

The cheapest and most basic option consists of a pull-up bar and parallel dip bar's. This set up would allow three participants to train simulataneously (with two participants sharing the dip bar's).

Option 2 - £2850-3200

The second option will offer a lot more for the money and has two pull-up bar's (with one being lower to the ground for smaller/younger participants), two parallel dip stations and one/two Swedish ladders (hence the price variance above). This set up could allow 7/8 people to train simultaneously.

Obviously, we are not even close to making a formal application to the council regarding this project, but, I felt it was important to be able to visualise what we are proposing, in order to help people support the idea and maybe even give us some help!

Why is a purpose-built facility so important?

As I described in the blog post entitled 'Where To Workout: Barshaw Park, Paisley', the equipment we're currently using is OK, but far from ideal.

Specifically, the monkey bar's at Barshaw Park are aimed at children and not that high, and they are not level. As I discovered today, uneven pull-up's can only lead to being stronger/weaker on one side if you don't train both ways. For three months I haven't been training either side of the bar, to my detriment, as my right side is ready to muscle-up (and can get up and over the bar) but my left side isn't - I can only get the left side up if I use my forearm on the bar, like I'm climbing.

I've cocked up, I know that now, and I'm going to fix it over the next few weeks to balance out my strength, but, this is a great example of exactly why we need a purpose-built facility in Renfrewshire, or at the very least a level pull-up bar installed at Barshaw Park to go with the dip station.

Hopefully this paints the picture of what we want to do with this Renfrewshire Calisthenics project. We don't just want to help ourselves to get an awesome workout facility, we also want to inspire the people of Renfrewshire to get outside, build muscle and have fun with calisthenics.

Personally, the past 3/4 months has been amazing and I've never felt or looked stronger; there is no going back once you start training this way. It's also been awesome to meet new people from my local area who have an interest in bodyweight training too.

Please do get in touch if you are interested in calisthenics and want to train with similarly minded people in your local area!

Get outside. Build muscle. Have fun.


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